Bangor Firefighters Set Two MDA Fundraising Events
Bangor firefighters will once again be asking you to fill the boot this year, but they'll also have a brand new and very fun event for the holidays as well!
Bangor Professional Firefighters IAFF Local 772 and Darling's Auto Group will hold their very 1st Inaugural Jingle Bell Ball on Friday night, December 13th, at the Anah Shrine at 1404 Broadway in Bangor. Just as the group's annual "Fill the Boot" campaign, this event will also raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association in their quest for a cure.
This sounds like a really good time with a great group of people. A DJ will spin the tunes and there will be a cash bar! Single tickets are $30, couples are $55, and tables of 8 are $250. BUY TICKETS HERE.
Firefighters will also be roaming the Bangor Mall area on Black Friday, November 29th, asking folks to "Fill the Boot", so if you see them in the middle of Hogan Road, please slow down and stop, roll down your window and donate!
Thanks to Bangor Firefighter Jarod Bowden for going on the air with us today and goofing around!

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