Mainers Can Apply to Get $50 Off Internet Bill Now
As part of the December pandemic relief package, low-income Americans and those significantly affected by the pandemic financially, can now apply to get $50 off of their internet bill per month.
This was set up as part of the emergency relief to continue to keep Americans online as needed during the pandemic.
The amount allocated for this refund is $3.2 billion, which will be allocated until it is used up. It is unclear how long the money will last.
Also part of this relief program, you could qualify for up to $75 per month discount on your internet bill if 'your household is on qualifying Tribal lands'. Additionally, there is also a one-time discount for devices (laptop, tablet, desktop computer).
There are eligibility requirements that you must meet in order to receive the benefits including having an income that is at or below 135% the federal poverty guidelines, if you participate in SNAP or Medicaid or if you have a child who was approved for free or reduced-price school lunch.
There are many ways to be eligible that are not listed above so, check here to see if you qualify.
To apply, visit the checklifeline.org website. You will need to fill out a form that includes your name, your birthdate, verify your identification, your home address and how you qualify for the program, either you are qualified or qualified due to a dependent.
Be aware that the opportunity to apply has just opened up so there may be a few website issues due to the high demand and high traffic on the website.
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