National Puppy Day, Show Us Those Maine Pups!
Today is National Puppy Day, a great day to celebrate our furry best of friends!
National Puppy Day is also a good time to bring some attention to the great animal shelters and their workers in this area!
To begin with, there's the SPCA of Hancock County! Each week I-95 features a Pet of the Week! The SPCA of Hancock County is a no-kill facility, and currently has many cats and dogs available for adoption. It’s located at 141 Bar Harbor Road in Trenton. It’s open Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays between 11 AM – 5 PM. Fridays and Saturdays between 11 AM – 6 PM. Follow them on Facebook and check out the website too!
The Bangor Humane Society is a fabulous place to adopt a new pet. This past Saturday, my daughter adopted Luna, pictured above. They're located at 693 Mt. Hope Avenue in Bangor. They always have a fabulous selection of animals ready for adoption!
We also keep up with The Ark Animal Shelter in Cherryfield! The very cool workers there would gladly help you find a new forever friend! They're at 6 Barber Lane, and are open between noon and 4 p.m. Call them at 546-3484.
The Bucksport Animal Shelter has some dogs and cats available for adoption, most that have been taken in as strays. Keep up with what's going on there by monitoring their Facebook page.
We'd LOVE to see your puppy on this National Puppy Day! Feel free to post at I95Rocks on Facebook.