Should You Buy A Stepmom A Mother’s Day Gift [Poll Results]
Mother’s Day is this Sunday. Turns out we aren't any nicer than our Canadian neighbors when it comes to our views of Stepmoms and Mother's Day.
In our recent poll 51% of our listeners said they’d buy a Stepmom a gift for mother’s Day. When the same question way asked in Canada 52% said yeah probably. But before you get all, awe isn’t that sweet, over the yeses, 34% said it totally depended on how she became your stepmom. And given the occasion of extra marital affair and other mitigating factors 14 % just said No!
Now in case you are in the 51% of those looking to love up on your stepmom this Sunday a list of the best gifts for Stepmom for Mother's day I thought were good were a mug with "Best Bonus Mom Ever" on it or the Dogeared Stepmother pendant said to be to remind her that she will always be family. Now you can say awe isn't that sweet.