When all was said and done, the State Fire Marshal classified the fire as "undetermined" citing several accidental causes that may have played a hand in the fire.
A few weeks ago, we gave you the "most expensive" now, here are the "least"
Two cities in the Bangor area made the list!
Welcome to 2025. A new year can sometimes mean new changes. If you are thinking about relocating to somewhere in the Pine Tree State this year...
One surprising city is missing from this list!
Well, here we are at the beginning of a new year, and sometimes that means making some major life decisions, like where you want to live.
Thinking about relocating somewhere in the Pine Tree State this year...
A 25-year-old suspect is making national headlines after he allegedly decided to take a heavy backpack and go full Hulk on a bunch of vehicles at Rowe Auburn, smashing windows and denting hoods.