Maine City With the Largest Average Backyard is a SurpriseMaine City With the Largest Average Backyard is a SurpriseLawnstarter compiled data to show the cities across America where owners can get the most bang for their buck when it comes to outdoor space.JoeyJoey
This Maine Town Has the Highest Monthly Bills in the StateThis Maine Town Has the Highest Monthly Bills in the StateThis Maine town pays an average of $2547 per month on bills, the most out of any city or town in the state. Jeff ParsonsJeff Parsons
Study: Nearly 1 in 5 Maine Residents Are SmokersStudy: Nearly 1 in 5 Maine Residents Are SmokersA recent study from the CDC shows that more Maine residents are smokers than any other state in New England. JoeyJoey
The Richest Small Town in Maine Right NowThe Richest Small Town in Maine Right NowGo Banking Rates has compiled census data and figured out which small town in every state is the richest. Here's the data for Maine. JoeyJoey
Study Says Women Live Significantly Longer Than Men in MaineStudy Says Women Live Significantly Longer Than Men in MaineA report from the CDC on average life expectancy by state shows that women outlast men in Maine by a rather significant margin. JoeyJoey
The Wealthiest City in Maine Right NowThe Wealthiest City in Maine Right NowTravel A Lot has pinpointed Maine's wealthiest city using the average median household income as the key factor. JoeyJoey
The Average Temperature in Maine Homes is Kind of RidiculousThe Average Temperature in Maine Homes is Kind of RidiculousPeople throughout Maine share the temperature inside their homes during the winter, and the averages are kind of ridiculous.JoeyJoey