
Potato Peeling Hack, Hey Potato Salad  Months Are Close At Hand
Potato Peeling Hack, Hey Potato Salad Months Are Close At Hand
Potato Peeling Hack, Hey Potato Salad Months Are Close At Hand
I love how there are so many ways to do things easier.  I saw a guy once who peeled potatoes with a toilet brush and although it worked and the brush was new I just couldn't quite like it.  This however looks quick and simple. Give it a look-see and see if you don't agree next time you slap those Maine potatoes in a pan you're gonna give it a try...
28% Of Americans Say They Don’t Know How To Cook.
28% Of Americans Say They Don’t Know How To Cook.
28% Of Americans Say They Don’t Know How To Cook.
Let me start this post by saying in my opinion the actual truth is if you can read you CAN cook but you may not enjoy or want to or have some other perfectly valid excuse. That said, a new survey confirms that is the way for  about one third of Americans claiming ignorance as the second-most-cited reason for not cooking regularly...