They're the vehicles that get our blood pumping and unlock our imagination. They often perform physics-defying maneuvers at break-neck speeds and are usually equipped with the coolest of gadgets.
Absolutely terrifying. The new adaptation of Stephen King's famous novel hits theaters on September 8th, and today's new trailer will scare the $#*% outta you.
With the release of the new trailer for Stephen King's "It" today, we thought we should look back at some terrifying films set right here in Vacationland.
As a fan of film and of David Bowie I am pleased to see that on the 40th anniversary of the film 'The Man Who Fell To Earth' one of Bowie's best performances they are rereleasing it fully restored and remastered. Unfortunately it will be most likely only available in English Cinemas but it will be released on DVD and BluRay here in the states on October 24th.