Time To Start Planning To Stamp Out Hunger With The Postal Service
This food drive always happens the second Saturday in May making this year's drive Saturday May 12th. So when you are out shopping between now and then be sure to grab a few non-perishables to set out.
For 26 year the Postal Service has been supporting out local food pantries with your help. Helping is so easy, the NALC website, says on the morning of Saturday, May 12, just set out your non-perishable food items well before your letter carrier’s normal pick-up time. Note that he or she will be delivering and collecting mail as usual, on top of collecting food donations, so that pickup time could be slightly later than usual.
Acceptable items include cereal, pasta, pasta sauce or spaghetti sauce (in cans or plastic bottles), rice, canned fruits and vegetables, canned meals (such as soups, chili, and pasta), 100% juice, peanut butter, macaroni & cheese, canned protein (tuna, chicken, and turkey), beans (canned or dry), will be accepted. Food items should be in non-breakable containers, such as boxes and cans.
You can hang it off the box, or just set it on the ground underneath. But make sure it's there before your letter carrier makes their usual stop. They'll have vehicles following them around, to store all the donations.
As summer arrives and the kids will be home it is extra important that families in our area have the help they need.