It's my favorite time of year! Halloween is the time where I'm glued to my couch watching my favorite freaky flicks! Here's my top classic scary flick picks!

I'll have more freaky movies to share with you as we get closer and closer to Halloween! BOO!

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    Starring Doug Bradley and Andrew Robinson. Written and directed by Clive Barker.


    If you need a good 'What the heck am I watching?' movie. this is it! Hellraiser is about as sci-fi as I'll go. I think I needed therapy after I saw this movie, but it was worth it! Believe it or not Momma Wolfe was the first to recommend this film to me. Aw, thanks mommy! By the way mom, the co-pay from the therapist is being sent to you and dad.

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    Starring Sissy Spacek, Amy Irving, Nancy Allen and John Travola. Directed by Brian DePalma. Based on the novel by Stephen King.


    It's not Halloween without a little hometown spook from Stephen King! I'm a fan of the movies that are born from the pages of a King novel. Misery, Pet Cemetery, The Shining, Children of the Corn, Thinner and IT are all on my favs list, but Carrie is the perfect storm of scary, weird and WTF.

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    Dawn of the Dead

    Starring David Emge and Ken Foree. Directed by George A. Romero.


    ZOMBIES, ZOMBIES, ZOMBIES!!!! You can't go wrong with some brains on Halloween!

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    Starring Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh. Directed by Alfred Hitchcock.


    Psycho is one of my all time favorite movies. I love Alfred Hitchcock's work. He uses extreme camera angles, lighting and contrast to create a freaky ambiance and that's without mentioning the acting or plot! If you havent seen the grandfather of all slashers yet, DO IT...or else.

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    Starring Jamie Lee Curtis and Donald Pleasence. Directed by John Carpenter.


    I don't think I need to explain this choice. IT'S HALLOWEEN! I always watch Halloween: Resurrection too. I enjoy laughing at Busta Rhymes and Tyra Banks acting skills!

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