It doesn't seem possible and yet it was in November of 1999 that Cumulus Radio hired me for afternoons on their Lite Rock Station WEZQ. Since then there have been a lot of changes but you, my listeners, were my constant companions and guiding stars.

Recently I was offered a position with a local non-profit Christian radio group and after long consideration I decided to make the change. I have loved working for Townsquare Media and all of my co-workers here are like family to me. Life on I-95 has always been exciting and I loved playing classic rock. Thank you, DJ Fred.

This new adventure will start next week. For this week you can still come out and see me in person from 11 a.m to 1 p.m. at Shaw's in Ellsworth for my last Community Food Drive with I-95. After that I will keep everyone informed about my progress on Facebook so this isn't goodbye just see you later.

Rock on. Dorian

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