Bob Dylan

25 Years Ago: Bob Dylan and the Grateful Dead Release ‘Dylan & the Dead’
25 Years Ago: Bob Dylan and the Grateful Dead Release ‘Dylan & the Dead’
25 Years Ago: Bob Dylan and the Grateful Dead Release ‘Dylan & the Dead’
Bob Dylan wasn't exactly at the peak of his career when he released 'Dylan & the Dead,' a collaborative live album with the Grateful Dead, on Feb. 6, 1989. In fact, he was pretty close to the bottom of his popularity, influence and creativity. And another live album -- his third in 10 years -- certainly didn't help matters.
40 Years Ago: Dylan & the Band
During the first week of January 1974, Bob Dylan went on tour with members of the Band for the first time since 1966, when their controversial shows heralded Dylan's move from folk music to rock. This new collaboration would prove to be no less volcanic.
Bob Dylan Charged With Hate Crime In France
Bob Dylan Charged With Hate Crime In France
Bob Dylan Charged With Hate Crime In France
Given that songs like 'Blowin' in the Wind,' 'Only a Pawn in Their Game' and 'The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll' perfectly captured the mood of the Civil Rights Movement, you'd think Bob Dylan would be one of the last people to be accused of racism. But the legendary songwriter has officially been accused by French authorities of "public insult and inciting hate."
Bob Dylan Sued for Racist Comments
Bob Dylan Sued for Racist Comments
Bob Dylan Sued for Racist Comments
Race, politics and religion are subjects probably better left out of conversation in mixed company, even if you happen to be conversing with one of rock's greatest living poets. Just ask Bob Dylan, who's accused of making racist comments in a lawsuit recently filed by an organization called the Council of Croats.

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