Mark Wilson, Getty Images
Mark Wilson, Getty Images

Think military balls are stuffy? Full of ceremony and patriotic music? Think again! These Marines have the moves on the dance floor, to the tune of Michael Jackson's 'Billy Jean.' Wow!

It's easy to forget, when we see members of the U.S.Marine Corps in their perfect uniforms and their precise movements, that these are just people. Very well trained people. Very fit and coordinated people. And the proof of that is in this video!

Watch as some of the other guys try to take on the Sergeant Major. Only one (who does a SPLIT!) even comes close. But even he gets put in his place. It's not as bloody as the way Richard Gere puts Louis Gossett, Jr. in his place in 'An Officer and a Gentleman.' But you'll cheer just as hard.

And I'm betting you'll never look at a Marine the same way again. Go, Sergeant Major! HOO-Rah!!

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