Why is it always us it seems.  Paulie wrote about this Hitch Hiking Robot a while ago  and now he is gone.  Man how it bugs me that there is always some idiot that can't be trusted to respect someone elses's project.

If you missed it,The robot was designed to be a talking travel companion and could toss out factoids and carry limited conversation. A GPS in the robot tracked its location, and a camera randomly snapped photos about every 20 minutes to document its travels. People who picked it up often passed it to other travelers or left it where others might notice it. The hitchBOT’s journey was tracked on social media.

Most recently ABC News in Philadelphia. reported: "hitchBOT was dismembered and decapitated. Canadian researchers created the hitchBOT as a social experiment.  It started its cross-country journey in Marblehead Massachusetts. It's destination was San Francisco. But CBS News says the “kid-sized” robot had successfully hitchhiked across Canada in 26 days last year and in parts of Europe. hitchBOT is -- sorry, was -- immobile on its own, relying on the kindness of strangers. But the creators were sent an image of the vandalized robot Saturday. They couldn't track its location because the battery is dead. They said they don't know who destroyed it or why.     In its last posting, hitchBot’s social media team wrote: “Oh dear, my body was damaged, but I live on back home and with all my friends. I guess sometimes bad things happen to good robots! My trip must come to an end for now, but my love for humans will never fade. Thank you to all my friends.”

Whoever did this, if there is any chance you are reading this, I want to tell you I think you are a jerk of massive proportions and I hope you get caught and punished. You are why we can't have nothing nice.

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