I’ve been playing a lot of guitar lately.

After using Fret Zealot for the last couple of months, I'm actually big time progress on guitar. There are thousands of video lessons and songs to jam along to. If you've ever kind of fantasized about playing your favorite classic rock songs, Fret Zealot has tons of those songs in their catalog, that you can teach yourself. 

I teach kids how to be in bands in a rock school on the side, and because I'm a drummer, it's always been a challenge to teach them things on guitar. Fret Zealot has been helping to unlock those doors for me super quickly. They make it as easy as it could possibly be. Now I'm actually able to help my students in a better way than ever before.

J.Alberto Sandoval
J.Alberto Sandoval

For real, anyone can totally do this.

Fret Zealot also has the most unreal LED teaching tool that shows you how to do everything. It’s pretty much foolproof. As soon as I unpacked it all, began going through the app, and looking at all the tools and songs available, I knew I'd made the right choice. You'll be blown away by your own progress.

The LED tool that's really the heart of the program, is really easy to install and it's spelled out very simply in the included instructions. I also downloaded the Fret Zealot app, and I was surprised at how easy it was to navigate. It takes you to whatever it is that you want to get started with and combined with the LED tool, you'll be strumming almost immediately. Not to mention, with the mobile app, you can practice anywhere.

Progress will happen fast.

It's funny, I came across some of the open tunings by accident, as I was trying to learn some songs from my high school days when Grunge was king. As soon as I figured out the Drop-D tuning, almost all those songs came alive, and I actually sounded pretty good! A few weeks later and I can play a ton of Soundgarden and Pearl Jam songs.

J.Alberto Sandoval
J.Alberto Sandoval

It's a learning process like any instrument, but I'm getting to the point of playing whole songs, in what feels like no time at all. And, I feel like I'm getting better all the time. Learning another instrument is something I've always wanted to do, and I'm super stoked to have Fret Zealot to help me out with that. I literally don't think I would've had the time or patience to do it any other way. It's amazing.

If you or a loved one is resolving to learn guitar or play guitar more in 2023, I can't recommend Fret Zealot enough. Try it today, and learn guitar with light. Check out fretzealot.com for more.

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