Try Not to Laugh At These Hilarious Jokes About Maine
Life is hard, especially these days. So, today we are going to put a smile on your face with these funny jokes about Maine. While much of Maine humor comes in the form of a long story, a la the legendary Tim Sample, the following jokes are quick. Zingers if you will. You can count on jokes about Maine to be about the weather, how rural we are, lobstah, suppah, or deer. We challenge you to commit one of these jokes to memory and re-tell it today. You'll brighten someone else's day and put a smile on their face.
Some of these we took from fellow Mainers on Facebook, while others we found online at a crowd-sourced
What Are the Best Jokes About Maine?
With the 1820 Missouri Compromise... Missouri wasn't able to become a state unless Maine was also granted statehood.
As it turns out, Missouri loves company.
I couldn’t follow the storyline of Stephen King’s “It”
Are there several ways to abbreviate Maine?
My girlfriend fell off a fishing boat just off the coast of Maine and was devoured by a giant shellfish.
You might say a New England clam chowed her.
If you have a funny joke about Maine, we want to hear it. Email and we might just include it in the next round of Best Jokes About Maine.