Burger King Forever Banned in This City Due to Obscure Court CaseBurger King Forever Banned in This City Due to Obscure Court CaseThe ruling was made in the 1960s and still holds up today. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Maine's Most Popular Fast Food Chains Have Been UnveiledMaine's Most Popular Fast Food Chains Have Been UnveiledHere's a closer look at Maine's five most popular fast food chains, including number one.Chris SedenkaChris Sedenka
Out With The Old, In With The New; 2 Big Renovations In BangorOut With The Old, In With The New; 2 Big Renovations In BangorA lot of work has been done in the area of Hogan Rd, and the mall in the last few months. At least 2 major overhauls are taking place, just down the road from one another.CoriCori
20 of the Most Popular Chain Restaurants That Maine Doesn't Have20 of the Most Popular Chain Restaurants That Maine Doesn't HaveFrom popular buffets to trendy burger and chicken joints, here are 20 of the most popular chain restaurants that don't exist in Maine.JoeyJoey
There's Only One Restaurant in Maine That Never SleepsThere's Only One Restaurant in Maine That Never SleepsFor decades, Maine was home to several notable restaurants operating 24 hours, but now, there's only one in the state that never turns off the lights. JoeyJoey
Maine's Most Popular Fast Food Chain May Surprise YouMaine's Most Popular Fast Food Chain May Surprise YouHere's a closer look at Maine's five most popular fast food chains, including number one.Chris SedenkaChris Sedenka
11 Absolute Worst Burger Joints According to Vegans11 Absolute Worst Burger Joints According to VegansOne that was listed among "the best" is rather surprising. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Is There Really Only One 24/7 Restaurant Left in Maine?Is There Really Only One 24/7 Restaurant Left in Maine?For decades, Maine was home to several restaurants operating 24 hours. But now? Only one remains and it may surprise you.JoeyJoey
It's Coming Down! Old BK On Hogan Rd. Slated For DemolitionIt's Coming Down! Old BK On Hogan Rd. Slated For DemolitionDemolition of the old building can take place as soon as the permits are issued, with the rebuild taking place shortly after. CoriCori