Tonight's mystery artist wrote a song for his band inspired by a street he lives near in San Francisco.  Think you can guess the song or the band??

I found this musical fact in an interview with SongFacts and Jack Blades from Night Ranger. According to Jack there is a group of alphabetical streets in San Francisco called the Avenues and one is named Sentimental. Jack lived there in the 70’s and said he use to drive through there a lot thinking how cool it would be to have a place where you could walk back through your life’s events.

And then I thought about it when I was driving in San Francisco one day, I was like, 'Sentimental Street in the Avenues.' Wouldn't that be fun if that name, Sentimental Street, was one of the names in the Avenues, along with Juda, Kirkham – Sentimental. So that's kind of where the title 'Sentimental Street' in the Avenues came about."

Here they are with tonight's featured song.

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