I found this list encouraging since for the most part we’d all rather eat healthier if we could.  And it is always such a bummer when you are trying to watch your weight but you feel hungry for whatever reason.  So here is the good news according to the Daily Mail there are foods that exist for you to snack on that nutritionists call ‘Negative Calorie’ food that take more calories for your body to process than they contain.  Cha Ching!!!!

O.K. you say what’s the list?? Kale and Celery?

I confess celery did make the list, but certainly there is something here that would tickle your fancy.  Here is the list of 10 given by health experts:

1. Cucumbers

Made mostly of water, a cucumber is also a great source of vitamin C and is known to be able to reduce high levels of inflammation in the body.

2. Asparagus

A good way to detox (it contains diuretic nutrients that can help remove toxins), eating asparagus can also help boost your metabolic rate.

3. Cauliflower

Eat it raw or lightly steamed so that it remains crunchy, which will take you longer to chew which will give your body the time to realize you're full. Cauliflower is also excellent source of fiber and vitamin K and high in Vitamin C

4. Celery

An obvious choice for most dieters, approximately 75 per cent of a celery stick is actually water. The other 25 per cent is fiber. The high water content of celery means that you will burn more calories eating it than it actually contains.Rich in sodium and potassium, add celery it to a post-workout juice for electrolyte replacement.'

5. Lean, low-calorie meats

Not strictly a negative calorie food, lean meats such as pork, turkey and chicken are excellent sources of protein, which make the digestive system work harder, Additionally lean meats are a great source of energy, which means they will keep you fuller for longer, ensuring that you don't eat as much as you would normally.

6. Tomatoes

Bursting with flavor and full of lycopene, tomatoes are some of the best foods to include in your diet. As well as being low in calorie content, their health benefits increase when they are cooked. Scientists said that cooked tomatoes can have the same benefits as statins for patients battling against high cholesterol levels or high blood pressure.

7. Papaya

Fresh papaya contains less calories per gram, so eating it allows you to fill up without actually affecting your quota for the day.

They are just as rich as oranges in vitamin C and contain 15 times more of the antioxidant beta-cryptoxanthin. Papaya's fiber is also good for combating constipation and keeping cholesterol in check.

8. Chili

That mouth-burning sensation you get when you bite into a chilli? That's what makes this hot little pepper one of the best calorie-burning foods. Containing capsaicin, chillies have the ability to boost the metabolic rate, which in turn causes the body to burn more calories immediately after you eat them.

9. Apples

But only green ones. Skip Red Delicious and go instead for Granny Smiths and you'll be well on your way to shedding those pounds. While not strictly a negative calorie food, green apples are rich in dietary fiber, helping you feel fuller for longer periods of time.

10. Coffee

Yes, that cup that gets you through the morning (and for some of us, throughout the day) contains zero calories – when drunk on its own. Have it black and it'll be one of the best weight-loss adds you could have. 'Coffee is thermogenic and stimulates the burning of fat for energy,'

Eat up!

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