For those who always say time is flying by, slipping away, and where does the time go?  You’ve probably been saying for weeks the 4th of July is coming up fast.

And it is next Monday. Here comes a much-needed long weekend, right?

For those who like to do something majestic on Independence Day like go hike in Acadia National Park, here’s an idea for you.

Acadia has already released a statement saying visitors should be prepared this weekend for a high visitation weekend. Plan your trip accordingly and expect long lines and wait times. But there’s more in the official release.

Expect traffic congestion and limited parking at the most popular destinations.

They don’t mention dealing with those from away on such a popular weekend, but their release does make one stop and reconsider a visit this weekend, and maybe alter plans for a mid-week visit.

So what to do this weekend?

May I suggest instead of fighting the Acadia crowd, how about a new book about Acadia?

Place Names of Mount Desert Island and the Cranberry Islands, Maine is by Henry A. Raup.

Raup is a retired geography professor and says he took 40 years to research and write the 644-page book. He was quoted at as saying:

It is a hobby. Some people like to play cards or play tennis. I like to run down odd place names.

FYI if you haven’t been to the park this summer, know that the sign for Blue Hill Overlook now is called West Lot. It's arguably one of the most popular vistas on Cadillac, especially at sunset.

The National Park Service officially changed the name to West Lot, the former Blue Hill Overlook, as first reported by

Back to the book and names. Even the park has gone through name changes.  From the Sieur de Monts National Park to Lafayette National Park before being named Acadia National Park in 1929.

More from the book, Dorr Mountain was Flying Squadron Mountain and before that was Dry Mountain.

The book can be purchased from the Mount Desert Island Historical Society.

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