As if the war of words between fans of the teams playing in the Super Bowl wasn’t already high, we now have a second parody of AC/DC’s ‘Big Balls’ with new lyrics about DeflateGate, the scandal that has rocked the New England Patriots.

On Sunday, we came across a version of the song from a radio station in Seattle, whose team, the Seahawks, will be the Patriots' opponent on Sunday. Since then, it has come to our attention that WBLM in Portland, Maine, a city which is firmly in the Patriots’ grasp, has hung out their own take on the song for all to enjoy.

‘Soft Balls,’ which you can listen to above, mocks those who are accusing the Patriots of using underinflated footballs, which supposedly makes them easier to throw and catch, in the AFC Championship game last week. The lines leading up to the first chorus are, “The Pats are just too good a team / No others can compete / Instead, they simply point their fingers and said they tried to cheat."

The National Football League’s investigation into the matter is expected to end at some point in the off-season, at which point it will be determined if anyone should be penalized.

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