Always Very Sad News When Our Fishermen Are Lost At Sea
The search for two missing fishermen off the coast of Massachusetts was suspended last night by the U.S. Coast Guard. I-95 has many local Maine folks listening everyday while they're working offshore, so this story has really hit home.
According to the Coast Guard, a distress call was received early Monday night from the four person crew aboard the 69 foot Misty Blue, a "clammer" based out of New Bedford. The Misty Blue went down approximately 10 miles southeast of Nantucket.
Two crew members wearing their survival suits were rescued by a good Samaritan.
As of 8 o'clock this past Tuesday night, the 1,605 square nautical mile area search for the two missing crew members was suspended by the U.S. Coast Guard, "pending the development of new information", according to an official news release.
We feel for the families, friends, and those in that fishing village community, who will now have a not so happy holiday season.
There are various lost fisherman memorials in Maine, monuments etched with the names of those lost at sea. One that is located in Lubec stands tall this morning. Bless them all.