Area Schools Close In Effort To Prevent COVID-19 Spread
In an all out effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, more and more school systems in our area are either suspending classes or moving classes online.
Here's what we know so far, and please remember that this situation is changing rapidly and that decisions are being made hourly.
Bangor school system will close for two weeks beginning tomorrow, Monday, March 16th.
Brewer schools will be closed Monday, and officials that day will announce what they plan to do in the future, following today's(Sunday, March 15th) meeting.
John Bapst is shutting down until April 27th.
Dedham and Orrington schools will close for two week beginning this Monday.
RSU 22, the Hampden school system will be closed for two weeks beginning tomorrow.
RSU 24, including Eastbrook, Franklin, Gouldsboro, Mariaville, Steuben, Sorrento, Sullivan, Waltham and Winter Harbor, will officially close Monday at 3, and then not reopen until Friday, April 3rd.
All schools within the Mount Desert Island school system will close for at least two weeks beginning Monday.
Indian Township School system will close for two weeks, beginning tomorrow.