Bangor Spring Cleanup Information
Things are a little different this year, so here's how to get rid of all those leaves, brush and metal objects the right way.
This year, the City will be making just one pass through, so you better have your act together, and your piles out on the curb by 6:30 a.m. on Monday, April 27th.
Leaf and brush piles should be separate. All debris, rocks, and yard waste (dog poop) must be excluded. Brush piles should be placed close to the road and away from overhead wires.
The preferred way to dispose of both is by taking them yourself to the Public Works facility at 530 Maine Avenue. Normally a permit is required, but due to the spread of COVID-19, the City will not be issuing permits. The Public Works crew will be doing spot registration checks when yard waste is brought to the facility. Any non-Bangor residents will be turned away. .
Metal items should be set out by the curb by 6:30 a.m. that Monday as well. No items containing Freon, no televisions, and no computer monitors please.
More information about the 2020 Spring Cleanup in Bangor can be found on the City's website.