Belfast To Outlaw Plastic Bags And Containers Next Year
Over the past two years several cities in Southern Maine have made the decision to ban the use of plastic bags. Some of these municipalities have chosen to tax single use plastic bags instead. Towns that have put these moratoriums on plastic are to date Portland, South Portland, Brunswick, Topsham, Windham, Saco, Falmouth, York, Kennebunk and Freeport. And as of last night finally a northern town will join their ranks as Belfast’s city council votes in the same as of Jan 1st , 2018.
In the BDN a councilor remarked,
“I remember when plastic bags didn’t exist, and we all seemed to manage just fine,”
The new law if enacted will cover only carryout bags and containers like coffee cups and take out boxes. The law will not cover garbage bags, plastic bags for dog waste, styrofoam used to package meats and fish. Also you will be able to bring in your own plastic bag if that is just how you roll.
Business who do not comply will be facing fines starting at $100.00
The City of Bangor looked into the prospect of banning plastic bags a year ago but tabled the idea until other communities that had chosen to do so could give them more information on the impact of their decision.