Here’s Where To Get Your Acadia National Park Pass At Almost Half-Price
It's that time of the year again, where the annual park passes go on sale!
Yes, experience Acadia National Park and everything that it has to offer at "almost half price" next year, as various local chamber of commerce and town offices will offer up the passes at $28 during the month of December. The annual park park pass normally sells for $55.
Score one or more during Bar Harbor’s annual Midnight Madness event on December 6th. passes will be available at the Village Green from 8 pm to midnight.
You can also find them at the Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce, located at the corner of Cottage and Main Streets, downtown Bar Harbor. Find them at these local chamber of commerce as well, Ellsworth, and Southwest Harbor/Tremont (sold at Harbor House, Southwest Harbor).
These town offices will also have them for sale at almost half price: Gouldsboro, Mount Desert, Tremont, and Winter Harbor.
And if you're visiting Schoodic Point, you can find them at the Schoodic Institute within the Rockefeller Hall Welcome Center.
Stuffin' one of the annual Acadia National Park passes into someone's stocking will certainly bring a smile on Christmas morning!