Haven't we had enough?

Ok... I get that it's summer, but I've been sweating in the most stinky fashion for days, going on weeks. Already in July, we've had over 20 days of temps over 80 degrees. Even if it would just stay closer to 80 degrees a bit more often, that would feel like a break.

Read More: Will Bangor, Maine Set a Record for the Most 80 Degree July Days?

It's also not lost on me that we had such a miserable summer last year. The weather almost the whole summer was trash. In June last year, we even set the record in the opposite direction... We had tons of days where it didn't even hit 70. If Mother Nature could find a happy medium, that would be just dandy.

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Much of Maine is going right back under the blowtorch next week.


According to the forecast from the National Weather Service, we're going to start ramping it up on Sunday, and then next week, it's right back into the frying pan. And of course, it will be accompanied by a ton of humidity. So maybe we can have another one of those record days, where it's more hot and humid here, than in Florida.


But we can count on almost every day next week to be in the upper 80's, nudging right up on 90, with some days going right over. The beginning and end of the week looks to be the most brutal. Then once you factor in the humidity, it will likely drive heat indexes even higher, meaning it will feel way warmer than it *actually* is.

Read More: Tiny Building in Bangor's Mt. Hope Cemetery Had a Surprising Use 

But don't worry, as we head into the beginning of August, it doesn't really look like it lets up much. It seems like the Old Farmer's Almanac was right... It's definitely shaping up to be a long, hot summer. And yes... I'll probably be the first one complaining when it's over. But, it's Maine. So I know I won't be alone in the complaint department.

Once you start running from Bigfoot, you'll definitely feel like it was a heatwave...

Here Are 19 Times Bigfoot Has Been Reported in Maine

Gallery Credit: Sean McKenna

Maine Redditors List Their Favorite Local Slang Words and Phrases

Are any of these your favorites to use or hear, too?

Gallery Credit: Jadd

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