Maine DOT Illustrates Why It’s Your Fault They Killed Your Mailbox
I love this. After all information is power. However that doesn't mean that is won't twist the knickers of some.
To their credit they start off by acknowledging keeping your mailbox in one piece with plows whizzing by can be challenging and frustrating. And their hope is by adhering to these guidelines you might save yourself some heartache or as they put it
"minimize any unexpected collisions with plows"
If this picture is not sufficient they also offer a webpage with more detailed instructions.
Some of the more interesting Facebook reactions to this assistance were:
While this is all well and good. I lost my mailbox in 2014 THEY DROPPED THE PLOW ON TOP OF MY BOX! The local office came out and said I was at fault. Pure c*#p.
That’s just fine until the DOT contracted plow drivers run at 45-50 MPH and throw heavy slushy salted junk up against the side of the mailbox and break it off or break the support post even with the proper installation dimensions
And on the side of the DOT one person wrote,
DOT, you can never win, no matter what you do.. 😢 You post a nice courtesy post like this and people are still hateful.. Little do they know what a hard job you all have keeping roads plowed, maintained..