Members of U.S. Coast Guard Eastport rescued a man who was kayaking off the coast of Washington County this past Sunday, and they were quick to give the fellow credit for taking the necessary precautions that probably saved his life.

A U.S. Coast Guard release tells us that the 66 year-old man ended up in the cold ocean's water when his 17 foot kayak overturned in Bailey's Mistake, a huge cove off the coast of South Trescott.

The man radioed for help using his VHF hand held marine radio at about 4:20PM Sunday, and he was uncertain of his location.  But, because he activated a Personal Locator Beacon, members of the Guard eventually found him in the 44 degree water, wearing a thermally protected dry suit.

Wow, this guy was prepared to hit the water!  Are you?  The U.S. Coast Guard has a WEBSITE that can set you up!  Everything is covered that will keep you safe on the water, from what type of life jackets suits you best, to filing a "float plan" and vessel safety checks.

"The only reason he's alive is because he prepared for the worst case scenario," said Capt. Michael Baroody, commander of Sector Northern New England.  "He didn't know exactly where he was, but the beacon did. And that dry suit significantly boosted his survival time."

Make sure that you take the steps to keep yourself safe on the water this season, and remember, National Safe Boating Week happens May 20th through the 26th.



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