Many Maine Schools & Businesses Will Global Strike This Friday
The younger generation has taken notice of climate change, and they're pissed.
Many Maine students across the state will be part of the on-going worldwide Global Strike this Friday at 11. Students will walk out of their schools and workers will do the same at their place of employment, to raise awareness of climate change and the world's lack of action against it.
Among others, the world-wide initiative is being spearheaded by 16 year-old Swede Greta Thunberg, who among other things, recently completed a sail across the Atlantic to New York City, to not only bring climate change and its ramifications to the forefront, but awareness of politicians inactivity towards it across the world.
In Bangor, Maine Youth Climate Strikes, 350 Maine, and Maine Youth For Climate Justice have organized the Global Strike for Bangor High School this Friday at 11 a.m. So far, 27 people have signed up for the event that will take place this Friday, September 20th.
Global Strike/Fridays For The Future will take place in Bar Harbor on the Village Green beginning at 12 noon, hosted by Earth In Brackets.