Mainers are Less Likely to Get Their Freak On than Almost Everybody
Ummm... Say what?!
I don't know what my wife and her friends talk about when I'm not around, but I never hear her complain that so-and-so isn't getting enough at home. Same goes for me and my guy friends. I actually hear little to no complaining about anyone's time spent in the bedroom. Maybe we just don't talk about it. But TV and movies would have it seem that everyone my age is living in a desolate wasteland of zero naughty time.
All I know, is that someone actually tried to quantify how much people get steamy action, across the entire US. Now, I guess you ha to trust people to be at least relatively honest in a poll. But decided they had what it took to dig into this subject. I've learned there are some super, ahem... *excited* states out there. Maine ain't one of them, though. Surprisingly on Reddit, everyone just sort of... agreed.
So where does Maine stand overall?
Well, sadly Maine is the 2nd least aroused state in the entire country. Apparently we get laid less often than every other state, except for Colorado. At first, I thought maybe it was the legal weed in both states killing everyone's libido. But it's legal in Massachusetts, just a couple hundred miles down the road, and they're doing it all the time, hitting the list at #8. Maine is #49.
Alaska is the most prolific state, with folks getting it on an average of 2.8 times a week. I'm sure that 0.8 one is a real disappointment for both parties... Now Mainers apparently get naked 0.5 times a week, and that's it. How do you do it half a time? Not that I really wanna know, but seriously...
Now, we know Maine has an aging population that probably plays a pretty big role in this. But I don't think this is the role playing we're looking for. I imagine younger folks are still getting down to business on the regular, but apparently we need to step up our game. So yes... for the sake of Maine's reputation, I'm telling you we all need to be doing it a lot more.