What’re the Greatest Rain and Wind Storms We’ve Ever Had In Maine?
We're gonna get it big time tomorrow.
The forecast has been pretty unanimous everywhere I've looked, that we're going to get some mighty powerful winds and rain Friday into Saturday. There's talk we could get multiple inches of rain in a pretty short period. We could also see wind gusts in the Bangor area that could top out over 50mph. That's nuts.
Folks living along the coast have already likely been preparing themselves for quite the blow, as it's been predicted that areas along the ocean could see wind gusts of over 70mph. Hurricane force is 75mph. So it looks like we could see a near hurricane blowing on through this weekend.
What's the strongest wind recorded in Maine?
This was a tougher answer to find than rain, for sure. I can't be sure this is 100% accurate, but it looks like the strongest wind speed in Maine likely happened in 1963, during Hurricane Ginny. It was estimated that there were 100mph wind gusts recorded off the coast of Rockland. That's pretty crazy for Maine, right?
Ginny was also a "snow hurricane". It dumped nearly 4 feet of snow in the mountains. It even killed a park ranger and a hiker, according to the BDN.
There's a lot of rain on the way, but what's the most Maine's gotten?
I remember this storm very well. Not only did it knock out power in Portland, where I was living at the time, and it was an extremely rare occurrence. I didn't even lose power during the ice storm of '98. But I lost power and even water in October of 1996. The Portland Jetport record well over 13 inches of rain in barely 24 hours.
Not to mention the crazy flooding that happened down there. I'm not sure how the Bangor area fared in that particular storm, but it probably wasn't much better. And of course, the Honorable Mention weather events in Maine's history are the Blizzard of '62, when parts of Maine saw over 40 inches of snow.
And how could we forget the aforementioned Ice Storm of '98. I was living in Portland then too. It didn't really affect me down there, but I knew a TON of people that were without power for weeks. That was absolute treachery.
Well there you have it. that's a decent recap of all we've been through here in Maine as we prepare to do battle with the elements again this weekend. See you on the other side...
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