Northern Light Emergency Department To Give Out Covid-19 Support Kits To Patients
As a way to help manage Covid-19 patients when they're released from the Emergency Department, Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center has been sending folks home with "Covid-19 Support Kits."
"The kit contains a pulse oximeter to monitor blood oxygen levels, a thermometer, masks, and hand sanitizer to minimize viral spread as the patient quarantines at home."
"Also included in this kit is a log for patients to monitor their body temperature and blood oxygen levels, with comprehensive instructions on how to use the equipment and what to do if their symptoms worsen or their results are out of range."
One of the main functions of these kits, according to Northern Light, is to help ease anxiety people may have about becoming ill with the Covid-19 virus. Giving them the tools they need, and also reaching out to touch base with patients will hopefully give them some peace of mind.
"In addition to the kit, within two days of discharge, each patient receives a call from a nurse at the Medical Center who checks in and answers any questions they may have."
Northern Light also says that depending on just how severe of a case a patient might have, there could be multiple follow-up calls, at regular intervals to a patient to monitor their recovery.
The program launched in September and since then, the Emergency Care Team at the hospital has given out over 250 of these kits.