NY Times Features Maine Tradition Of Sheep On Remote Islands
For centuries, small islands off the coast of Maine have been the home of woolly inhabitants. They spend most of their time alone, and they don't seem to mind.
What a great story recently that was featured in the New York Times that told of the sheep that live and are maintained on Big Nash Island, Little Nash Island and Flat Island, located off the coast of Addison, somewhere between Jonesport and Milbridge in the Gulf of Maine.
The story tells of Wakeman family, volunteers, a sheepherder of long ago who's buried at the head of Big Nash Island, and the hundreds of sheep that live on the remote islands.
For almost 300 years sheep have roamed some of the islands in the waters off the Maine coast. A statue carved out of granite by a local Sullivan man stands within the town green of Sorrento to signify the tradition. Things haven't changed much over the years, except the addition of sheep shears that are powered by electricity.
The story also tells of a woman named Jenny whose father maintained the lighthouse on Little Nash Island in her younger years. Jenny took care of the sheep herd and hauled lobster traps while there, and lived to be 92 years old. Her headstone is on Big Nash Island, facing the lighthouse on Little Nash.