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Is It Me or Are Mainers Driving Really Poorly These Days?
Is It Me or Are Mainers Driving Really Poorly These Days?
Is It Me or Are Mainers Driving Really Poorly These Days?
Is it me or are Maine drivers really off their game these days? I live on a busy intersection, and in the past 24 hours, I have seen people blow through stoplights, a couple of stop signs, and go the wrong way down One Way streets. I have also seen horrendous parking jobs. We need to turn this around people!
Here’s Where All of Maine’s 25 Roundabouts and Rotaries Are Located
Here’s Where All of Maine’s 25 Roundabouts and Rotaries Are Located
Here’s Where All of Maine’s 25 Roundabouts and Rotaries Are Located
Did you know that Maine has 25 different traffic roundabouts and rotaries throughout the state? And yes, there's a big difference between a roundabout and a rotary. While they both move traffic around in a circle, rotaries are made to keep traffic moving at a constant speed while roundabouts are made to slow traffic down. Big difference!
Bangor PD Channels The Beatles
Bangor PD Channels The Beatles
Bangor PD Channels The Beatles
It's Pride Weekend in Bangor and the awesome heroes at the Bangor Police Department wanted to welcome everyone to their city. The crosswalks have been painted and the officers couldn't resist recreating the famous Beatles photo.  Look, they even brought in a VW to make it look like the Abbey Road picture...
Yup-It Snowed 33 Inches of Snow in New England This Week
Yup-It Snowed 33 Inches of Snow in New England This Week
Yup-It Snowed 33 Inches of Snow in New England This Week
So it may be a record-breaker for HEAT today in most of Maine and NH, but did you know it was also a record breaker earlier this week on Mount Washington?  FOR SNOW. From our friends at the Mount Washington Observatory: We're celebrating the summit's record breaking snowfall with an ice cream cone on the deck...

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