Maine Lobster

​Maine Social Media Star Hands Out Lobsters To Strangers In NYC
​Maine Social Media Star Hands Out Lobsters To Strangers In NYC
​Maine Social Media Star Hands Out Lobsters To Strangers In NYC
What happens when you hand out Maine lobsters to random people in Times Square? Not many people know Maine lobster like Jacob Knowles! Maine has a lot of social media stars on TikTok. Chef Adam Libby, and Tatum Talks, but there is another influencer who is "making waves" on several platforms...
Where Does Maine Rank On The List Of ‘Sexiest States In The U.S.”?
Where Does Maine Rank On The List Of ‘Sexiest States In The U.S.”?
Where Does Maine Rank On The List Of ‘Sexiest States In The U.S.”?
The answer...not very high! We love lists, and the website Enjoy Travel makes a ton of them, so when they posed this question, curiosity got the best of us. Some states are sexier than others, according to their survey. These rankings are based on the places where people think you’ll find America’s "most beautiful people". "Sexy",...
Maine Lobsterman & TikTok Star Profiled On ‘CBS Saturday Morning’
Maine Lobsterman & TikTok Star Profiled On ‘CBS Saturday Morning’
Maine Lobsterman & TikTok Star Profiled On ‘CBS Saturday Morning’
Not many people know lobster like Jacob Knowles! Maine has a lot of social media stars on TikTok. Chef Adam Libby, and Tatum Talks, are two who are visiting the upcoming Bangor Comic & Toy Con. They have a combined 6.4 million followers, but there is another influencer who is "making waves" on several platforms...
This Bar Harbor Mac & Cheese Was Picked As ‘The Best In The U.S.’
This Bar Harbor Mac & Cheese Was Picked As ‘The Best In The U.S.’
This Bar Harbor Mac & Cheese Was Picked As ‘The Best In The U.S.’
Put this delicious Maine dish on your summer bucket list! Lovefood is the definitive website for food, recipes, expert commentary, engaging opinion and the tastiest, mouth-watering recipes, when they pick the best of the best, you gotta pay attention...
Take A Train Ride On The ‘Lobster Roll Express’ In Unity
Take A Train Ride On The ‘Lobster Roll Express’ In Unity
Take A Train Ride On The ‘Lobster Roll Express’ In Unity
What happens when you combine two really cool things? You get a great adventure that the whole family can enjoy! It's back! Nothing says summertime in Maine, like Maine Lobster, and once again, you can ride the Lobster Roll Express, with a scenic trip on the Belfast and Moosehead Lake Railroad...
Perry’s Lobster Shack Will Finally Re-Open On Thursday
Perry’s Lobster Shack Will Finally Re-Open On Thursday
Perry’s Lobster Shack Will Finally Re-Open On Thursday
Some great news for the Surry area! Back in March of 2024, a nasty storm had a major impact on certain parts of the State of Maine, including a popular lobster destination in Surry, known for its waterside shack that serves up lobster & seafood plates, alongside hearty sides & beers. The...
Maine’s ‘Lobster Lady’ Turns 104 Years Young!
Maine’s ‘Lobster Lady’ Turns 104 Years Young!
Maine’s ‘Lobster Lady’ Turns 104 Years Young!
Happy Birthday, rock on, Virginia! Most days it can be a struggle for all us to get up early in the morning and go through the grind of a work week, but imagine doing exactly what you love to do, well beyond the point you could have retired and just kicked back and enjoyed life...
This Maine Spot Has One Of The Best Burgers In The U.S.
This Maine Spot Has One Of The Best Burgers In The U.S.
This Maine Spot Has One Of The Best Burgers In The U.S.
Happy National Hamburger Day! ROAD TRIP ALERT: When you head out of town this summer, make this Maine restaurant a must-visit destination. Each year, National Hamburger Day is observed on May 28th, and wraps up National Burger Month, and of course, also ushers in the summer grilling season...
Storm Damage To Indefinitely Delay Perry’s Lobster Shack Opening
Storm Damage To Indefinitely Delay Perry’s Lobster Shack Opening
Storm Damage To Indefinitely Delay Perry’s Lobster Shack Opening
Some unfortunate news for the Surry area! The nasty weather we had on Sunday impacted some more thatn others, including a popular lobster destiantion, known for their waterside shack that serves up lobster & seafood plate, alongside hearty sides & beers. Per...

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