Looks like Tom and Gisele had David Blaine over for dinner the other night. On the menu? GLASS. Yup check out TB12 feeding the great David Blaine glass. Don't try this at home kids!
Looks like everything turned out ok...whew!
The first Super Bowl commercial is already out, and it features our hero, Tom Brady .The ad is for Intel and it shows how TB 12 starts his day.. See Tom wake up. See Tom brush his teeth. See Tom make breakfast. All in 360-degree awesomeness...
And not for nothing Tommy Boy those blinding white buns could use some toasting. Shazam! Guess we can guess by these vacation pics that having to sit out 4 games isn't going too badly for the football hunk. Hard to imagine that Giselle didn't get into the action too on the coast of Italy she must be off camera shielding her kids eyes...
Oh don't pretend you haven't thought of it!!! So which do you prefer? Sexy, solid, natural born leader Tom? Or would you rather experience "A Gronking to Remember"? After some deep thought I decided that I would have to go with...Gronk.