
Bangor Man Enjoys Naked Joyride
Bangor Man Enjoys Naked Joyride
Bangor Man Enjoys Naked Joyride
A good old fashioned snowstorm can bring out the crazy in all of us, especially a Bangor man, who decided to strip off his clothes and take spin down his driveway on his ATV...naked.
It's Almost Time
It's Almost Time
It's Almost Time
It seems like summer, or at least the hot weather, comes around a little later here in Bangor than in other parts of the country, but there's still plenty of time to enjoy the pools for people who want to beat the heat without leaving the city.
Bodybuilder Weather Guy Challenges Bill Nye To Brain Match – Guess Who Won
Bodybuilder Weather Guy Challenges Bill Nye To Brain Match – Guess Who Won
Bodybuilder Weather Guy Challenges Bill Nye To Brain Match – Guess Who Won
I love Bill Nye. No he’s not sexy and ‘Dancing with the Stars proved he has no rhythm. Still the guy takes no guff and isn’t the least bit afraid to put his money where his mouth is. This time a bodybuilding weather man named Joe Bastardi threw the gauntlet for Bill to prove his assertion that the earth is warming and there is a connection to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and global climate whe
Paid For Being Wrong
Paid For Being Wrong
Paid For Being Wrong
You have to love the job of a weather service and it's fellows.  Seriously, not one of them can accurately predict what is really going to occur with our weather so why do they argue so hard and put down others who are or a different opinion when they must know sooner or later it is going to bite them in the butt...

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