Thank You For Making Our Ton-Of-Pasta Drive A Success!
It seems like every year, no matter what, Mother Nature tries to thwart our well-intentioned plans of collecting food for those in need by providing us with less-than-pleasant conditions for our Ton-Of-Pasta food drive. It was definitely on the chilly side, but that didn't stop us!
But regardless of what she tries to throw at us, we show up. And so do you!
It's that beautiful tradition of showing up for those in need, in our community, that always brightens the dreariest of days, and warms the coolest of temps.
This year was no exception.
This past Saturday, we were set up in front of the Hannaford store on Broadway in Bangor. (There were others at the Union St., Brewer, and Ellsworth locations, too.)
We were there with Christina and Hailey from the Blue Cross Food Cupboard in LaGrange.
That food cupboard, they told us, serves about 500 families in that particular area. And like many food pantries in the area, following the holiday rush, supplies were running thin.
So we put out the call, and you answered, in spades.
Our first donation of the day came from a young family from Milford who donated over a dozen boxes of pasta.
And then folks started to pour in from all over the place. We had donations from as far away as Canada, Southwest Harbor, and Stockton Springs.
It's always nice to meet new people when they come by to donate. And we certainly met some new folks.
It's also awesome to see familiar faces, year after year. One young man, in particular, has been stopping by every year since we started the I-95 Morning show. He was 9 when he first donated. This year he turned 11, on that very day, and as in years past, Braden from Newburgh, donated his birthday money to buy pasta for the drive.
With the money, this 11-year-old donated this year, over a dozen families will be able to eat. That's a pretty incredible thing to do, for someone so young. So thank you, Braden.
And to everyone else who came by to help us fill carts full of pasta for the food cupboard, we so appreciate your help. Thank you for making this year's Ton Of Pasta event so successful, but beyond that, for helping our fellow neighbors so that they can have a meal.
See you next year!