The Maine Whoopie Pie Festival is planning on coming back in-person this fall.

This year we can plan for the Maine Whoopie Pie Festival to take place in-person Saturday, October 2nd from 10 AM - 4 PM.

We usually get to enjoy the festival in the height of summer but, by weighing the continuing coronavirus pandemic situation and the roll of vaccinations at a slow pace currently, the Whoopie Pie Festival is holding off until October.

A change that we will see this year is the location of where the Maine Whoopie Pie Festival will take place.  It will still be located in Dover-Foxcroft but will take place at the Piscataquis Valley Fairgrounds as opposed to the main street of Downtown Dover-Foxcroft.

The Maine Whoopie Pie Festival began in 2009 and has became a staple of the State of Maine's summertime festivals.  It's a day of celebrating Maine's favorite sweet treat, where locals and visitors can taste some of the best Whoopie Pie's in the world and have fun with family and friends.

Last year the Whoopie Pie festival was scheduled for July 27th then rescheduled to October.  Finally, in August, the in-person Whoopie Pie Festival was cancelled for 2020.

But, all was not lost.  Lemons were made into lemonade with an in-person festival being replaced with a new concept called WHOOPtoberfest, a full month of encouraging people to venture out with an interactive whoopie pie map found at the website.

Whoopie pies unite!  Stay up-to-date with this year's events and vendors to come with the Maine Whoopie Pie Festival Facebook Page and the Maine Whoopie Pie Festival website.

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