Hey Bangor. What’s Something That Hurts Way More Than It Should?
Hey there! Today we posited the theory that some things just hurt way more than it seems they should. What are those things?
JStew: Man, I feel like I could do a whole post by myself about this, but I'll try to narrow it down to a few of the fun ones, so to speak. Let's start with hitting your bare ankle on anything. Stubbing your ankle, as opposed to your toe is the best description of what I'm talking about. Try banging your ankle on anything and let me know how it feels. Another favorite, especially as a drummer is blisters. Not burns, burns always hurt. But say, blisters from raking leaves. Friction blisters. Like from hiking. Those are awful. And to top things off with something truly gross.....popping a zit. Sometimes pimples seem like they're connected to every single nerve ending in your body. Truly awful.
Cori: Typically, I have a pretty high tolerance for pain. I've had 4 giant babies, and live with daily pain that would bring any normal human being to their knees. But there are two things that with cause me to actually complain about the discomfort and those would be really terrible heartburn (the kind that even an entire container of Tums won't touch) and when you tweak muscles in either your neck or between your shoulder blades. When it hurts so bad you can't turn your head to change lanes, that's hurting way more than it should! In the same fashion, I've had Charlie Horses that have made be think my calves are going to pop off my bone. Those suck, too. I'm so broken! What's wrong with me?!
Looks like everybody has something that sucks. Our toes are cringing as we read your comments. Check 'em out....