This may be the simplest advice I'll ever give in my life. And hopefully it's the easiest advice to digest for you and also some of the best you'll ever get.

Because it's mostly just basic common sense.

Maine State Police / Google Maps
Maine State Police / Google Maps

Look, no one ever wants to get pulled over by a police officer ever, right? Whether it's a local town officer or a state police officer, it's just an absolute crushing funsponge event to your day.

Everything already costs enough money as it is -- gas, rent, utilities, groceries -- we're barely making ends meet as it is. Add into that the extra expense of having to pay off a ticket from a police officer, plus the increase in car insurance that can come with it -- it just plain sucks.

But while driving yesterday, I ran into a situation that without a doubt we've all come across.

Google Maps
Google Maps

You're driving up or down the Maine Turnpike (or some other road or highway) -- doesn't matter if you're going North or South, doesn't matter what section of the Turnpike you're on -- and off in the distance you notice a powder blue SUV parked right in the center median.

A Maine State Police officer, just hanging out shooting laser beams are approaching vehicles like he or she is playing a game with their pet cat. Naturally, as drivers, we see an officer and jam on our brakes -- no matter how fast or slow we're going -- and crawl by the officer until they're out of view from our rear view mirror and it's back to normal speed.

And that's where the advice comes in. Because it's simple.

Musa Haef
Musa Haef

If you're not breaking the law and going 90mph in a 70mph zone, or riding someone's bumper, or weaving in and out of lanes -- if you're not doing any of that, you can keep driving the same way you were before you saw the cruiser, ya know.

If anything, slamming on the brakes in front of an officer just hanging out in the center median makes you look guilty AF. And not to mention can cause a possible accident when all the other cars behind you start jamming on their brakes because of you, too.

So try these two tricks next time you see any kind of officer either off in a breakdown lane or in a center median -- just keep cruising at the speed limit with no brake checks and no dropping to 10mph under the speed limit.

It's gonna be okay. I promise. You won't get in trouble for actually following the rules, no matter who you see around you.

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