Here's a new way to keep an eye on the loons while you're at the office.

There's a new webcam in the City of Ellsworth, and it's overlooking the City's water source and one of the bigger bodies of water in the area, Branch Lake. Check it out today.  Things look quite peaceful there, don't they?

Accompanying the new webcam is also Branch Lake weather information provided by Rainwise, the maker of weather instruments located in Trenton.  Pair that with the Rainwise Cadillac Mountain weather station, and you'll know exactly what Mother Nature is up to across Hancock County.

Jason Ingalls, who is the City's Information Technology guy, has been out there feverishly working on the City's webcams, mostly on his own free time (just because he loves this stuff).

Jason also recently got another webcam up and running - one located at Harbor Park, the City's town landing off Water Street. This can be an interesting webcam to watch from time to time, especially during the warm months here in Maine, as boaters and fishermen come and go from the town docks.  You may also see a family of ducks float by, and if you're lucky an eagle, which can often be seen standing guard over the Union River.

Then there's the third Ellsworth webcam that we know about, the one located at the top of City Hall, which points across Main Street and down Franklin Street.  This one is interesting to keep an eye on as well, especially on stormy days or during special festivities that happen periodically in the Downtown area.

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