I am fortunate to have lived in or visited many parts of our great country and I can tell you that in my opinion Maine -- by weather standards -- is paradise in comparison. To prove my point, I am going to give you five types of weather that you can keep in mind as you sit inside your warm home or office watching the snow fall quietly outside for what will most likely be close to the last time this year.

Do you have things to add to the list?  Feel free to comment and I'll add them in.

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    Auntie Em! Auntie Em! When I was much younger I was traveling through an area of the Midwest that had gotten 6 tornadoes in one day. The area looked like a bomb had hit. That was the day I started my list of weather I'd hate more than snow.

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    In my younger years, I lived for awhile in California. While I was visiting relatives in San Jose, we had what they call a small earth quake. You want to talk about a feeling of nowhere to run. Everything was shaking and stuff falling off shelves and off the walls. Once was good enough for me. People die in these things and the damage can be ridiculous.

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    Gigantic Hail

    Once when I was driving to Florida, I was caught in a hail storm. It was something watching these golf ball sized ice pellets dent my car. For a moment, we stopped in shock but eventually we rolled slowly through it once we realized it was traveling on the opposite direction we were. I faint to think that it comes even bigger than that. No, thank you.

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    Now I realize that sometimes we get the tail-end of a hurricane, but until you have been in the full force of a storm like that you don't know how good we have it here.


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    Excessive Heat

    My attitude about temperature in general has always been you can always throw on a sweater but you can only remove so many clothes before you get arrested. One time in my travels I was in Houston, Texas in the summer to help out a friend. I will tell you if it is hotter in Africa I'd be amazed. It was so hot that as it rained the drops evaporated when they hit the ground. Picture it raining but the ground is dry.  No, thank you once again.

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