Bangor Offers New Trails For Bikers
One of the byproducts of Covid-19, at least that I have noticed, is that people seem to be taking the time to get out more, and enjoy their surroundings. I've seen more people out walking their dogs, gardening and doing yard work than I ever have before. And according to some of my more avid outdoor friends, folks seem to have rekindled a love for bike-riding. Personally, I like the way this trend is working out, mostly because it makes me sad to think of folks stuck home, in front of screens, trading in actual life for a virtual one. Not to say that I'm against video games or binge-watching TV/Movies. I just think to balance that out with getting up and outside seems like common sense to me.
I think its cool that people have taken up biking again. And it seems the City of Bangor is hoping to encourage people to get out and pedal, by providing more spaces for folks to explore.
According to a recent story done by WABI TV5, Bangor "has almost 150 miles of trails" for bikers, at different levels of ability.
If you've traveled in the area of the Stillwater Avenue on-ramp to I-95, you may have noticed some shiny new fencing running adjacent to the highway. That's part of a new Connector Trail that was finished this month. My son and his Papa took a ride out that way last week and said it was awesome.
The Connector trail has been part of a project for the past few years. The aim of the project was to connect some of the bike trails throughout Bangor, and make it easier to travel the length of them. This way you can ride from the Essex Woods to the trails over at EMCC. It also connects the trails that run by Saxl and Cascade parks.
If my 12 year old and his grandpa enjoyed traveling along the new trails, it's safe to say, there's something for everyone along the way, and for all age groups! So get out and enjoy the world around you!