Earth Day Is Saturday, So How Green Is Maine?
So Earth Day is Saturday. Now for some that means stripping off your clothes and going for a bike ride while painted green. For me I think I'll just keep recycling and planting trees. In fact recycling and renewable energy are two things Maine does better than any other state.According to Wallet Hub our fine state ranks 6th over all for being green. Not Bad.
Source: WalletHub
WalletHub’s site says their analysts looked at every state in the US comparing 20 key metrics designed to illustrate each state’s environmental quality and the eco-friendliness of its policies. Again Maine got top marks for Recycling and Renewable Energy.
- Air quality Wyoming took the number one spot
- Connecticut got number one for water quality
- Best soil is found in Michigan
- Lowest energy consumption and lowest gas consumption go to New York
- Lowest municipal solid waste goes to Missouri.
That said if you would like to strip down and go for a ride here is the groups facebook page