Ellsworth Intersection Of Route 1A & Winkumpaugh Road To Change
So what's going on?
If you commute on Route 1A, the very busy highway that runs between Brewer and Ellsworth, you may have taken notice of a survey crew working in the area of Winkumpaugh Road.
Will there eventually be another major construction project that's gonna hold you up on the way to work? Well, not just yet.
You have to feel sorry for those that live on Winkumpaugh Road as they wait patiently at the stop sign for a chance to join traffic traveling at very high rates of speed, and when those cars and trucks are coming from Bangor around what is almost a blind curve, it has to be concerning.
Meanwhile, traffic traveling from the Ellsworth area is coming up on that intersection also at a very high rate of speed after being on a two-lane straightaway for almost a mile, and those wishing to turn left onto Winkumpaugh must wait in the passing lane for Bangor traffic to pass. It's got to be nerve-racking for those drivers, wondering if they're going to be rear-ended, which of course has happened before.

So the Maine Department of Transportation survey crew that has been out this week is just the beginning of a $275,000 "safety improvement" project. The crew has been gathering initial topographical information, according to Paul Merrill, Director of Communications for MDOT.
When the improvement project is completed there will be a new left-hand turning lane, raised traffic islands, and overhead signage that spans the width of the road.
We imagine that when all is said and done that traffic will move slower through the new intersection as well.
It will be a while though, as Mr. Merrill tells us that construction is currently scheduled to go out to bid in 2023.
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