Ellsworth Road Work Could Cause Traffic Delays
No one likes sitting in traffic, especially when it may make you late for a job. So, consider yourself warned.
The City of Ellsworth's Public Works Department will be out in force beginning this Monday, September 21st, as they begin the week long process of replacing two big and important culverts on Outer Main Street, or what most call at that point, the Washington Junction Road.
The Washington Junction Road connects Route 1 in Hancock with Ellsworth's crossroads on upper Main Street, and plays host to the Downeast Scenic Railroad yard, Maine Sea Coast Vegetables, and the Downeast Sunrise Trail parking lot.
Public Works will also be working on the roadway itself during the week.
The work will take place during the daylight hours beginning this Monday, and the flaggers will be standing before and following the work zone directing traffic through alternating lanes. Although, according to the Facebook post, traffic backups are to be expected, so you may be sitting in traffic for a while if you do not want to seek an alternate route.
Other than those that work on the Washington Junction Road, that stretch of road is used primarily by locals as a shortcut between Hancock and Ellsworth to beat the traffic normally occurring on High Street, so Route 1, otherwise known as the Downeast Highway, is the main option.
The City of Ellsworth will keep us updated via their Facebook page. Safe travels!

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