What Do Most Mainers Call a Gas Station that Also Serves Food?
I admit, I'm a huge fan of gas station pizza.
I truly have my go-to spots for pizza on the go. I probably eat way too much of it, in fact. But you know, when you're cruising from Point A to Point B, sometimes you end up having to make food decisions based on convenience. And in Maine in particular, there seem to be an endless amount of stores that are way more than just a gas station or a Cumbies.
A lot of Debbie Downers in the thread seemed to indicate this was some kind of super-outdated concept, pointing towards how far behind the times Maine is. Like, for real?
The thing is, what do you call a place like that? Convenience store doesn't quite seem to cover it. Restaurant seems too specific. And gas station is just the tip of the ice berg in places like this. When I was in high school, I played in a cover band on the weekends, and we had certain places we loved to play, because we could go get breakfast afterwards at 3:00am. I used to call it a Gastaurant.
No specific name seems to do the concept justice.
We used to love playing in Millinocket because there was an Irving with 24-hour food. Same with a place in Newport we used to play. We'd often go have late night breakfast. It was like a band ritual. These days, it's more about grabbing a quick lunch item, on my way to another thing.
I was on Reddit today, and someone posed the question at hand, though. For real... what do you call a gas station that serves food? The most practical answer I found consistently was variety store, and maybe general store as a close second. Everyone seemed to agree that 7-11 was a convenience store, and gas stations were gas stations.
A lot of Debbie Downers in the thread seemed to indicate this was some kind of super-outdated concept, pointing towards how far behind the times Maine is. Like, for real? What is outdated or stupid about being able to grab a hot meal on the go? Like Burger King or Taco Bell is the superior option? Come on... If that's the case, stay Maine, Ponyboy.