Traffic Through Hampden Is Going To Be Pretty Hectic Next Week
Generally, Hampden is a quiet little town.
I grew up there when I was a kid, and live there now as an adult because the solitude of Hampden is what I enjoy most. I know you could certainly live in more isolated areas, but I also don't want to live 45 minutes from the nearest grocery store. Hampden has the right combo for me. Convenience, but also privacy.
On the other hand, a couple of pretty major roads run through Hampden, connecting all the surrounding towns in various ways, so it's kind of like the hub of the area. Route 202, Route 1A, Route 69... all run through town. And that's why next week could present a few issues where a couple of these roads meet.
Windmills will be the theme next week.
So the deal is, starting Monday, June 13, wind turbine blades will be brought through town on their way to a wind farm. The process will begin at around 5:00 am, and every 45 minutes or so, the next 240-foot blade will come through. The people doing the work hope to bring a half dozen blades a day through town, according to the Town Of Hampden Facebook page. The blades are heading from Searsport to Aurora.
So this could affect the earlier morning commute. Not just getting them through the intersections, but may also cause some delays along the travel route. so folks who live in Hampden and the towns around it that travel through these spots may want to see if there's an alternative route.
The whole process will take two or three weeks to complete. the town has also indicated that you may begin seeing some work being done in preparation for the blades to come through town. It won't be complete chaos, but it's going to make for a challenging couple of weeks in spots.